Who’s your ideal user?

Ideal User Profile Template

Top Three Outcomes

  1. Effortless ARR
  2. Lean Scale
  3. Durable Growth

User success statement

To become the obvious choice in your market.

Stages of your user journey: (fill in based on what makes the most sense for your business)

  1. Visit - visits the website
  2. Signup - signs up for your product
  3. Profiling - completes a short questionnaire when onboarding
  4. Onboarding - does the necessary steps to setup the product so they can experience value
  5. First Strike - experiences value in the product
  6. Key Usage Indicator - has experienced the value of your product multiple times
  7. Upgrade - has upgraded to a paid plan
  8. Advance - has advanced in their use-cases/usage of your product and is ready to expand their account