Every game has an ideal user profile it attracts.

Clickup attracts those who love productivity.

Netflix attracts those who love binge watching.

Amazon attracts those who love the convenience of buying online.

Your business is no different. Once you’re clear on what game you play as a business, you need to identify your Ideal User Profile.

Your Ideal User is a user who thrives at your game.

Step 1: Write down as many Ideal User Profiles as you can

Ideal User

Step 2: Identify a user’s likelihood of winning

Users “win” because of three main reasons:

  1. Motivation: They’re extremely motivated to play the game (either something is pushing or pulling them in this direction)
  2. Ability: It’s relatively easy for them to pick up and play the game (maybe they have programming experience or some ability that lets them pickup your product easily)
  3. Prompts: It’s top-of-mind for them. They’re constantly getting triggers to fix this problem. Whether those are internal or external triggers.

BJ Fogg, a behavioral psychologist, has done incredible research that proves that as long as a user has these three characteristics they can achieve any target behavior.


For our next step, we’re going to get you to identify the motivation, ability and prompts for each ideal user profile you mentioned above.